• Ray Kurzweil The Transhuman: When Humans Merge With Science-Fiction

    Ray Kurzweil The Transhuman: When Humans Merge With Science-Fiction
    Lest you forget, Ray Kurzweil is the consummate Transhuman and Technocrat rolled into one. He is also chief scientist at Google and hopes for his head to be frozen by Alcor Life Extension in Scottsdale, Arizona, after he dies. In 2017, he doubled down on his prediction of reaching the Singularity by 2029, advancing his original timeline from 2045. The problem? Blending science fiction with reality always yields science fiction, and to bet your future on it will not end well. ⁃ Patrick Wood
  • STA CEO Ryan Winn talks about the National Priorities on ABC NewsRadio

    STA CEO Ryan Winn talks about the National Priorities on ABC NewsRadio
    Transcript – STA CEO Ryan Winn on ABC NewsRadio with ABC Breakfast program presenter Thomas Oriti discussing the release of the Government’s National Science and Research Priorities on 12 August 2024. Presenter: I note this statement hasn’t been updated for quite a while, almost a decade. And the world’s changed a lot since the last […]
    The post STA CEO Ryan Winn talks about the National Priorities on ABC NewsRadio appeared first on Science and Technology Australia

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