• Nationwide search begins for next Superstars of STEM

    Nationwide search begins for next Superstars of STEM
    An Australia-wide search is on for the next stellar Superstars of STEM – the game-changing program that powerfully advances gender equity by turning a diverse group of scientists and technologists into highly visible media stars. 
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  • Brazil Leads Largest Free Speech Rally In History

    Brazil Leads Largest Free Speech Rally In History
    Well over 45,000 Brazilians joined former President Jair Bolsonaro to protest the banning of X in Brazil by a left-wing Supreme Court justice, Alexandre de Moraes. Citizens are crying out for the restoration of freedom because X is hugely popular in Brazil and important for uncensored communication between citizens. De Morales knows exactly what he is doing, however, because as a Technocrat, he is unelected and unaccountable to anyone.
    The U.S. media? Basically, crickets. Notice this story menti
  • On Fire: The Global War Against Free Speech

    On Fire: The Global War Against Free Speech
    The hammer is coming down on Free Speech in 2024, as I said in January of this year. All “free speech absolutists” are reeling from global attacks on their platforms. Now, the so-called Tenet Affair (Russia, Russia, Russia) promises to smear conservative podcasters, influencers and pundits, setting the stage for massive censorship for the offending material. ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.X, formerly Twitter, is now banned in Brazil. As of last Friday, the Elon Musk–owned
  • Australian economy needs a research and development power up

    Australian economy needs a research and development power up
    Sluggish National Accounts figures highlight the importance of boosting investment in economy-growing research and development, and reinforce the urgency of the upcoming Strategic Review of R&D.
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  • Technopopulism: The Merger Of MAGA Populism And Technocracy

    Technopopulism: The Merger Of MAGA Populism And Technocracy
    Yes, Technopopulism is a phenomenon carefully and clearly documented in the literature. The naive populist movement (MAGA) is undoubtedly passionate about its cause but largely without a brain. This is fertile soil for Technocracy to take root, but it will eventually take over the whole field with thistles and thorn bushes.Said the cunning Spider to the Fly, “Dear friend what can I do,To prove the warm affection I’ve always felt for you?” Mary Howitt, The Spider and the Fly (18
  • The U.S. Department Of State Leads The Attack To Kill Free Speech Globally

    The U.S. Department Of State Leads The Attack To Kill Free Speech Globally
    Trilateral Commission members have dominated the Department of State since its founding by Rockefeller and Brzezinski in 1973. No less than 11 out of 16 Secretaries of State, or almost seventy percent, hailed from its membership. Anthony Blinken is a member. They have all been traitors to America. Oh, let me count the ways (now in my 48th year!).Henry A. Kissinger (1973-1977)
    Cyrus Roberts Vance (1977-1980)
    Edmund Sixtus Muskie (1980-1981)
    Alexander Meigs Haig (1981-1982)
    George Pratt Shultz (19
  • Ten Reasons Why Human Flourishing Has Reversed

    Ten Reasons Why Human Flourishing Has Reversed
    The progression of Technocracy since 2000 is stark. At the same time, the degression of society and human welfare is seen everywhere. Technocrats hold to the religion of Scientism, which posits that only scientific truth is valid, leading them to reject all other sources of truth. The net of technocratic domination is suffocating reason and reality. ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.Until recently, most of us welcomed innovation, but something changed. And now a huge number of people are anxious a
  • OpenAI Safety Experts Are Fleeing The Company

    OpenAI Safety Experts Are Fleeing The Company
    Something smells rotten at OpenAI, starting with Sam Altman. Ever since Altman was fired (and re-hired) in November 2022, emphasis on safety has plummeted: Altman restructured the board, firing those who were concerned about AI safety. Since then, almost half of the safety department has fled the company, citing that AI safety is not prioritized.
    This wild-west approach to developing software that will change the world is a recipe for disaster. So far, Altman has smooth-talked around the issue t
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  • Religion Goes Digital: Playing Gods, Becoming Gods, Building Gods

    Religion Goes Digital: Playing Gods, Becoming Gods, Building Gods
    Humanity’s innate desire for religion knows no bounds: indeed, every human on planet Earth will worship something, even the devout atheist. Geneticist and Transhumanist Richard Seed summed up the logical and natural extension about becoming a god in a few short words:– Patrick Wood, TN Editor.Some see God in the Machine. I can’t help but see a Devil leering back at me. You might say that’s a personal quirk, but it’s every writer’s duty to transfer neuroses to
  • Higher Degree by Research safeguarding welcomed

    Higher Degree by Research safeguarding welcomed
    Science & Technology Australia welcomes the announcement today that higher degree by research (HDR) students will be excluded from the National Planning Level for new international student commencements.
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  • Red Alert: Free Speech Is Dead In Europe With Arrest Of Telegram Founder In France. Is Musk Next?

    Red Alert: Free Speech Is Dead In Europe With Arrest Of Telegram Founder In France. Is Musk Next?
    The swan dive into tyranny is complete in Europe with France’s arrest of the billionaire founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov.  Telegram is used by 900 million people around the world, but Macron thinks he can bring Telegram to its knees. It’s open season for tech entrepreneurs who dare to defy the anti-free tyrants in Europe and Britain. It doesn’t stop there: Any US citizen traveling in Europe who posts “offensive” material on any social platform could be arreste
  • Oh, Elon: Millions Of People Will Get Neuralink Brain Chips?

    Oh, Elon: Millions Of People Will Get Neuralink Brain Chips?
    Elon Musk comes clean on his original plans for Neuralink, going far beyond medical needs. Now, he reveals that his implant will offer “super-human” abilities to millions with no medical condition. Is anyone surprised? Musk the Transhuman is definitely staking his claim in Klaus Schwab’s 4th Industrial Revolution world of human enhancements. ⁃ Patrick Wood, Technocracy New EditorElon Musk hopes to implant millions of Neuralink chips into people’s brains ov
  • The power of synthetic biology at Parliamentary Friends of Science

    The power of synthetic biology at Parliamentary Friends of Science
    An expert panel explored the power of synthetic biology at the most recent Parliamentary Friends of Science event at Parliament House.
    The post The power of synthetic biology at Parliamentary Friends of Science appeared first on Science and Technology Australia.
  • Beyond GIGO: Virtual ‘Inbreeding’ Could Spark AI Doom

    Beyond GIGO: Virtual ‘Inbreeding’ Could Spark AI Doom
    In the 1980s, we used to say, “Garbage In, Garbage Out” about computers. Now, we are seeing the snake eating its own tail. Virtual “inbreeding” may be the death of public-facing AI, but not the back end. Humanity’s AI control systems feed on a fresh diet of “organic data”: the Internet of Things, the Internet of Bodies, the Internet of Nano-bio Things, plus data spun off financial transactions, telemetry systems, etc. The former is a sideshow; the latter
  • Under The Skin: The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things

    Under The Skin: The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things
    First, there was the Internet of Things (IoT), then the Internet of Bodies (IoB), the Internet of Everything (IoE), and finally, Big Pharma and the military are going into your blood to construct the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT). You might have hoped for the Internet of Nothing, but instead, you are getting the Internet Of Universal Skynet (IoUS).
    This paper from March 2015 is a primer that anybody can understand, including you. The IoBNT is the final building block of the surveillance net
  • Nordangård On Technocratic Dictatorship, Rockefeller, Global Governance, Digital World Brain

    Nordangård On Technocratic Dictatorship, Rockefeller, Global Governance, Digital World Brain
    It is satisfying that an increasing number of academics have joined and expanded on my earlier and current work on the Trilateral Commission, Technocracy, and Transhumanism. Jacob Nordangård, PhD in Sweden, has written the definitive Rockefeller: Controlling the Game, which anchors modern globalization (Technocracy) to the Trilateral Commission, founded by Rockefeller and Brzezinski in 1973.
    One review states, “The Rockefeller family’s utopian dream of a perfect world will have
  • Powerful investment in Superstars of STEM welcomed

    Powerful investment in Superstars of STEM welcomed
    The $3.8 million investment boost in the game-changing Superstars of STEM program will powerfully elevate diversity in science and technology and inspire girls and women to study STEM subjects. 
    The post Powerful investment in Superstars of STEM welcomed appeared first on Science and Technology Australia.
  • Study: All AI Large Language Models Lean Left

    Study: All AI Large Language Models Lean Left
    AI is rapidly leading the world into a woke, left-wing sinkhole. The study concludes: “This shift in information sourcing [search engines vs. AI] has profound societal implications, as LLMs can shape public opinion, influence voting behaviors, and impact the overall discourse in society.” I can personally testify to this from my own experience with AI at several levels.
    The study speaks for itself. There are two possible causes. First, the programmers are intentionally or unintention
  • American Board Of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Punishes Top Doctors Who Advocated For Early COVID Treatment

    American Board Of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Punishes Top Doctors Who Advocated For Early COVID Treatment
    Inconceivable in America. Outrageous. Top doctors are still being stripped of their Board Certifications to practice medicine. It’s the ultimate punishment for a physician. What, for being “misinformationists” and telling people to take Ivermectin? This, in the face of clear evidence that the doctors were right in the first place? Get the picture: the controllers of healthcare don’t care about evidence, or health, or anybody for that matter; they will crush you. ⁃ P
  • Trilateral Commission’s Plan For Illegal Immigration Is Finally Crushing England

    Trilateral Commission’s Plan For Illegal Immigration Is Finally Crushing England
    Ernest Hemingway answered the question, “How do you go bankrupt?” “Two ways,” he said, “gradually, then suddenly.” Free Speech in the UK has “died suddenly,” and the resulting chaos is giving way to tyranny. Immigration was the catalyst. Immigration policies were singly-handily introduced (in 2006) and enforced by Trilateral Commission member Peter Sutherland (1946-2018) as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migra
  • Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study Of Pfizer And Moderna Covid-19 Shots

    Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study Of Pfizer And Moderna Covid-19 Shots
    This is a first-of-its-kind, pivotal study on the self-assembly structures occasionally observed by others since 2021. It blows the top off of the “Safe and Effective” narrative, exposing it not just as a lie but also as an intentional deception to hide the real contents of the shots. After all, the shots were billed as containing mRNA, which is considered to be synonymous with gene therapy. Not one word was ever mentioned about artificial, non-biological, self-assembling structures.
  • Nordangård: Trilaterals Over Stockholm

    Nordangård: Trilaterals Over Stockholm
    Never forget that the Trilateral Commission was the fountainhead of modern globalization, as Antony Sutton and I documented in Trilaterals Over Washington and The Genesis of Modern Globalization. David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski started its “New International Economic Order” to promote Technocracy under various pseudonyms like Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development, Stakeholder Capitalism, etc. For over 51 years, Commission members have dominated the world.
    This exc
  • Ray Kurzweil The Transhuman: When Humans Merge With Science-Fiction

    Ray Kurzweil The Transhuman: When Humans Merge With Science-Fiction
    Lest you forget, Ray Kurzweil is the consummate Transhuman and Technocrat rolled into one. He is also chief scientist at Google and hopes for his head to be frozen by Alcor Life Extension in Scottsdale, Arizona, after he dies. In 2017, he doubled down on his prediction of reaching the Singularity by 2029, advancing his original timeline from 2045. The problem? Blending science fiction with reality always yields science fiction, and to bet your future on it will not end well. ⁃ Patrick Wood
  • STA CEO Ryan Winn talks about the National Priorities on ABC NewsRadio

    STA CEO Ryan Winn talks about the National Priorities on ABC NewsRadio
    Transcript – STA CEO Ryan Winn on ABC NewsRadio with ABC Breakfast program presenter Thomas Oriti discussing the release of the Government’s National Science and Research Priorities on 12 August 2024. Presenter: I note this statement hasn’t been updated for quite a while, almost a decade. And the world’s changed a lot since the last […]
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  • What Is AI Really? Digital Illusions, False Promises And Mass Reeducation

    What Is AI Really? Digital Illusions, False Promises And Mass Reeducation
    AI is about to pop its own personal “dot-com” bubble: bankruptcies, unmet expectations, and public repudiation. It has not provided any tangible or constructive social benefits to humankind but rather only promises harm instead, like throwing millions of people out of work. AI is an oxymoron that will never be “human” because it never will possess a soul or spirit. In the meantime, it is the slickest display of snake oil in modernity. ⁃ Patrick Wood, Editor.Much fan
  • Scientists welcome Indigenous Knowledge focus in National Priorities

    Scientists welcome Indigenous Knowledge focus in National Priorities
    Australia’s scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians have warmly welcomed the Government’s National Science and Research Priorities, particularly the strong focus on elevating and investing in Indigenous knowledge and knowledge systems. 
    The post Scientists welcome Indigenous Knowledge focus in National Priorities appeared first on Science and Technology Australia.
  • AI Black Swan: Power Prices Skyrocket On East And West Coasts

    AI Black Swan: Power Prices Skyrocket On East And West Coasts
    At a time when the power grid is being destroyed as unreliable alternative energy replaces plentiful coal and natural gas, the massive power consumption by humongous AI data centers is quickly becoming a Black Swan event for American consumers. Trump recently stated that AI will require the doubling of energy production in America.
    This is not possible with the current war against “fossil fuels.” Period.
    Some consumers are already experiencing larger monthly utility bills than their
  • Top STEM-sector leaders appointed to STA committees

    Top STEM-sector leaders appointed to STA committees
    We are delighted to announce the appointments of remarkable science and research leaders to its sector-leading committees—the STA STEM Sector Policy Committee, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee. 
    The post Top STEM-sector leaders appointed to STA committees appeared first on Science and Technology Australia.
  • American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion

    American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion
    Whitehead does not acknowledge Technocracy but hits on many key points. Technocracy stated in 1937 that “there will be no place for Politics or Politicians.” This is baked into their dogma. While people are drunk with hopium, chasing after political saviors, they are inadvertently destroying the political system. Meanwhile, Technocracy races forward to ensnare us in a scientific dictatorship.
    Both Democrats and Republicans have equally fallen into this trap, irrespective of their rel
  • Technocrats Get $2.2 Billion From Biden For Power Grid Upgrade For AI

    The “Smart Grid” is getting a makeover, but unfortunately, we will get all the unreliable alternative energy (wind, solar) and the high-priority sites like AI data centers will get all the reliable energy generated from coal, natural gas, and oil. Mark my words. In terms of Technocracy, this is what is meant by “balancing the load.” ⁃ Patrick Wood, Editor.The U.S. Department of Energy is allocating $2.2 billion in grants for upgrades of the power grid to m

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