• Now You Can See Five Planets At Once With The Naked Eye

    Now You Can See Five Planets At Once With The Naked Eye
    Starting tomorrow morning, all five* visible planets will shine down from the sky in the morning twilight. Head out about an hour before sunrise, and look toward the southeast.
  • Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags

    Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags
    Smart cities, 15-minute cities, and predictions of moving rural citizens to cities have been in the works for at least 30 years. China was ahead of the curve by moving 300 million farmers to cities, stripping them of their land, their generational profession, and their dignity. ⁃ TN EditorShocking evidence is emerging from Australia and New Zealand of how the climate scam is being used to impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future.
    The criminocratic global imperialists often use their&
  • Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark

    Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark
    The insane and anti-human war on food and carbon intensifies at the same time, virtually assuring famine in due time. That these technocrats cannot think beyond the end of their nose is clear, but it is just as clear that they should NEVER be in a position to make policy for everyone else. ⁃ TN EditorLivestock farmers in Denmark have been warned the farts and burps from their cows, sheep, and pigs will be measured and taxed from 2030, the first country in the world to do so as it targ
  • ‘Climate Change’ Is A $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer From The Poor To The Rich

    I have repeatedly said that the Trilateral Commission’s original objective was to fleece the world by stealing all the resources. Many other astute thinkers have pierced the veil, like the authors of The Earth Brokers in 1994: “We see how, as a result of UNCED, the rich will get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process.” – TN EditorPredator or Prey?
    This is the last in a series explaining our current unstable financial en
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  • Scientists welcome inaugural ARC Board

    Scientists welcome inaugural ARC Board
    Australian research will be powerfully boosted, and researchers strongly supported by the appointment of the inaugural Board of the Australian Research Council.
    The post Scientists welcome inaugural ARC Board appeared first on Science and Technology Australia.
  • Technocrats Accelerate Social Engineering, Sharpen Skiils

    Technocrats Accelerate Social Engineering, Sharpen Skiils
    What is not apparent is the role of Technocrats in the historical context. One American influencer was John B. Watson (1878-1958), a wretched Technocrat of the worst sort and member of the Technocracy movement who excelled at the “Science of Social Engineering.” According to K.W. Buckley later,
    ‘Watson’s Utopia, the implied authority of experts was institutionalised in the form of a technocracy managed by behavioural scientists’.  Watson wanted religion, the an
  • Explosive Peer-To-Peer Reviewed Study Reveals 74% Of Deaths Linked To COVID-19 Shot

    Explosive Peer-To-Peer Reviewed Study Reveals 74% Of Deaths Linked To COVID-19 Shot
    Should The Lancet staff be held liable for deaths that resulted after it censored this now-peer-reviewed paper? Not likely. However, the Big Pharma narrative has fallen apart. The shots have been declared ineffective, and the 8th Circuit Court recently ruled that mRNA injections are NOT vaccines. This means that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the FDA was illegal. Thus, all shot recipients were tricked into a horrific medical experiment.
    Call it what it is: A war against all hum
  • Flashback: Are Technocrats Taking Over Our Democracies?

    Flashback: Are Technocrats Taking Over Our Democracies?
    My work on Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission has been widely cited over the years, but those articles are uniformly censored or suppressed. Still, more people today are discovering the unseen hands of unaccountable and unelected Technocrats who are creating a scientific dictatorship right before our eyes.
    Technocrats march to their own drumbeat, answer to no one, and resist any correction. Further, they seldom adhere to ethical or moral standards, and they are as dispassionate as the AI
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  • CBDCs: On The Edge Of The Programmable Ledger

    CBDCs: On The Edge Of The Programmable Ledger
    Technocracy’s final weapon to capture the whole world will be fully functional CBDCs that record every transaction on Earth. The requirements include: direct consumer accounts, programmability of currency and contracts, integrated ledger to record all transactions, interconnectedness with other Central Banks, Digital IDs, AI to automate flows of data, and policy drawn from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
    Current forecasts target 2030 for this CBDC system to be launched. There
  • Bird Flu: The Evil Twins’ Next Assault Wave Against Humanity

    Bird Flu: The Evil Twins’ Next Assault Wave Against Humanity
    Technocracy and Transhumanism joined at the hip like Siamese twins, are the axis of evil who have declared war on humanity. Phase two is underway, and we will see the merger of the pandemic and the destruction of the food supply. It will be brutal and destructive. Don’t let them kill all the cattle. Don’t let them kill all the chickens. Don’t let them kill or wound all of the humans.
    When lockdowns are mandated, don’t do it. When masks are mandated, don’t wear them.
  • Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of ‘Changing Men’s Behavior’

    Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of ‘Changing Men’s Behavior’
    Technocracy first and principally defined itself in 1937 as “the science of social engineering.” Technocrats fear angry and rebellious denizens who would depose them in a country minute if they caught wind of their plans for scientific dictatorship. Thus, the worldwide plan to break masculinity was hatched, and Australia has correctly labeled its own plan as “Changing Men’s Behavior.” ⁃ TN EditorThe development of totalitarian governments always coincides with
  • “Maladaptive Traits”: AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive

    “Maladaptive Traits”: AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive
    Would AI lie? Intentionally deceive? Yes! As AI approaches AGI (Artificial) and ASI (Super), the deceptive powers will magnify until it approaches demonic abilities and intent. I have personally experienced this with ChatGPT 4.0 during a query about my books on the Trilateral Commission, Technocracy, and Transhumanism: It withheld certain information until I pointedly pressed it for clarification, signifying that it knew it all along but was reluctant to divulge it. This was subtle, but anyone e
  • Scientists Are Testing mRNA Vaccines To Protect Cows And People Against Bird Flu

    Scientists Are Testing mRNA Vaccines To Protect Cows And People Against Bird Flu
    When fear porn meets “One Health,” the outbreak of mass hysteria is predictable, as it is in this article. The idea is now to inject cattle with mRNA cocktails to protect humans from contracting bird flu. Moderna is currently leading the pack with multiple iterations of mRNA “vaccines” to protect the world. Since proteins are the fundamental building blocks of life, when you mess with different life forms, the whole system is degraded. One Health, indeed. ⁃ TN Edito
  • U.S. Dept Of Commerce To Digitize The Identities Of All Americans Receiving ‘Public Benefits’

    Like your “public benefits?” You can keep your public benefits! At a price: your freedom.  The Federal Government has adopted a “whole-of-government” campaign to enforce the adoption of a universal ID. When Universal Basic Income is adopted in the future, only the “tagged and bagged” will be on the list; all others can eat sawdust. This is the heartbeat of Technocracy that has been in play since 1932. ⁃ TN EditorFederal ‘Guidelines’ have
  • Boosting R&D crucial for economic uplift

    Boosting R&D crucial for economic uplift
    STA strongly welcomes the Government's investment in economy-boosting research and development detailed in today's figures from The Australian Bureau of Statistics. However, Government investment in R&D as a percentage of GDP has remained unchanged since 2018 at 0.17 per cent.
    The post Boosting R&D crucial for economic uplift appeared first on Science and Technology Australia.
  • California Tests Technocracy By Taxing Drivers For Miles Driven

    California Tests Technocracy By Taxing Drivers For Miles Driven
    This Technocratic lunacy has been building for years. I wrote three years ago, “Oregon was the first state to consider a mileage tax that would track all of your mileage, with a GPS device, on which roads or streets you drove, and then send a personalized tax bill to each driver. Excess mileage could be charged an extra carbon tax. Now Buttigieg is bringing this to the national level.” 
    Why own a car? This pay-to-drive scheme essentially turns your car into a rental (think Hertz
  • Manufacturing Simulacrum: Technocratic Tyranny Behind A Medical Mask

    Manufacturing Simulacrum: Technocratic Tyranny Behind A Medical Mask
    When Technocracy defined itself as the “Science of Social Engineering” in 1937, it assembled all the tools it would need to deceive mankind. Nobody took them at their word back then. Today, the evidence is clear that the world is unwittingly captive to a technocratic tyranny. Scoffers take note: if you WILL NOT read authoritative articles like this, you will be a captive forever. ⁃ TN EditorIntroduction
    There can be little doubt that big-tech global domination, taken shape over
  • Transhumanism: Covid Injections And The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4

    Transhumanism: Covid Injections And The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4
    The whole world is a stage, and the people are actors wrapped in deception inside a simulacra. Military-inspired transhumanism has learned to hide in plain sight by cloaking its existence with diversions, subterfuge, and propaganda. The real truth behind the “Great Panic of 2020” goes beyond concerns about global health and dives into BioNano warfare designed to bring produce Humanity 2.0. As Noah Yuval Harari has boasted, it is “technology under your skin.”  ⁃
  • Transhumanism: Bio-Nano Governance and Terms of Use for Humans 2.0 (Part 3)

    Transhumanism: Bio-Nano Governance and Terms of Use for Humans 2.0 (Part 3)
    When Agenda 21, aka Technocracy and Sustainable Development, was adopted in 1992 by the United Nations, all resources on the planet were in view. Nobody got the picture that human beings are resources to be managed along with cattle, sheep, pigs, etc., all of which are already well into transformation. Now, humans 2.0 are being created. ⁃ TN EditorAbstract: Since government must be involved in the accumulation of capital to legitimate its activities, and since humans are, in the eyes of go
  • Cognitive Warfare, Mental Manipulation, Tyranny of Digital Transformation

    Technocracy’s official definition starts with “Technocracy is the science of social engineering.” Because a digital prison is distasteful for most people, it is necessary to condition them to accept their enslavement; in other words, a little bit of cognitive warfare goes a long way. When a person is captured by this process, he can be made to think – not just parrot – like the captor. ⁃ TN EditorA centuries-old plan to control humanity on a micro-level is bei
  • Transhumanist Futures: Humanity in the Crosshairs (Part 2)

    Transhumanist Futures: Humanity in the Crosshairs (Part 2)
    Part 2 of this academic series on Transhumanism shows the start of so-called Convergence Science, the merging of Nanoscience, Bioscience, Information Technology, and Cognitive Science (NBIC). NBIC was a pointed effort to create Transhumans, and it was conceived by NASA, The National Science Foundation, the National Science and Technology Council, and most notably, the Department of Defense (DOD) under the direction of the White House. You will see why the military was in charge of Operation Warp
  • Nominations open for STA Committees

    Nominations open for STA Committees
    Science & Technology Australia is seeking candidates to join our Committees. These positions are fantastic opportunities for individuals to contribute their ideas and expertise to help STA achieve its mission.
    The post Nominations open for STA Committees appeared first on Science and Technology Australia.
  • Technocrats At OpenAI In ‘Reckless’ Race For Dominance

    Technocrats At OpenAI In ‘Reckless’ Race For Dominance
    Sam Altman and OpenAI hold the keys to stop the destruction of mankind but are rife to stop their frenzied dash to do so. Secrecy and lack of transparency within the company have been major complaints by ex-employees and other industry leaders. Technocrats are well-known for ignoring ethical or moral restraints when pursuing their goals. In this case, using humanity as their guinea pig will not end well.
    On top of raw Technocratic urge, add greed and lust for power that is heaped on by OpenAI&rs
  • More Immutable Proof Why Marxists Hate Technocracy – Part II

    More Immutable Proof Why Marxists Hate Technocracy – Part II
    This is Part II of a series, Technocracy: A Totalitarian Fantasy, that appeared in 1944 in The New International, the “Monthly Organ of Revolutionary Marxism.” Marxists hated Technocracy with a passion, and for good reason: technology would push man out of the picture altogether, resulting in a hierarchy of scientific dictatorship run by scientists and engineers. Technocracy wanted to do away with all political systems, including Communism and Socialism. – TN EditorTechnocracy:
  • Immutable Proof Why Marxists Hate Technocracy – Part I

    Immutable Proof Why Marxists Hate Technocracy – Part I
    This official 1944 article from The New International, the “Monthly Organ of Revolutionary Marxism,” should be the end of the discussion that Technocracy is Marxism dressed in other clothes or vice versa. They have hated each other from the beginning because of irreconcilable ideological differences. All who blame Marxism for the state of the world are clueless and blind. Part II drops tomorrow.
    This will cause a mental disconnect for a lot of people, as it should. It will force them
  • Transhumanism: Military Intelligence Operations Cloaked In The False Premise Of Transcendence (Part 1)

    Transhumanism: Military Intelligence Operations Cloaked In The False Premise Of Transcendence (Part 1)
    Today, I am amping up scholarship at Technocracy News & Trends with the introduction of this paper, jointly written by world-class academics from three continents. There will be more in the near future. There are over 9,000 words to absorb here, and you would do yourself a favor by reading every single word and analyzing every single thought. The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumans are in the latter stages of the transmogrification of humanity. Ignorance is not bliss, so start reading.
  • Transhumanism: Military Intelligence Operations Cloaked In The False Premise Of Transcendence

    Transhumanism: Military Intelligence Operations Cloaked In The False Premise Of Transcendence
    Today, I am amping up scholarship at Technocracy News & Trends with the introduction of this paper, jointly written by world-class academics from three continents. There will be more in the near future. There are over 9,000 words to absorb here, and you would do yourself a favor by reading every single word and analyzing every single thought. The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism are in the latter stages of the transmogrification of humanity. Ignorance is not bliss, so start readin
  • ‘You Will Not Surely Die’: Transhuman Scientists Buy Into Devil’s First Lie

    ‘You Will Not Surely Die’: Transhuman Scientists Buy Into Devil’s First Lie
    ‘Moonshot” and ‘Longevity escape velocity” (LEV) theories draw billions in taxpayer and private investments, but they are proving to be a “fool’s errand.” LEV is just the latest theory and a testament to the folly, but it is enough to stimulate new interest and excitement. As other scientists play God with the genetic makeup of mankind, millions are dying and harmed by mRNA injections. Both ends of the science will end with broken promises and death. 
  • Study Confirms: Cows Do NOT Cause “Climate Change”

    Study Confirms: Cows Do NOT Cause “Climate Change”
    How many outright frauds have to pile up before people see the steaming piles of excrement collectively produced by people like Bill Gates, John Kerry, Al Gore, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Commission, and the Trilateral Commission? Add the war on cattle to the pile.
    All of the cow flatulence in the world is immaterial to Technocracy’s aim to control the entire food supply. Trilateral Commissioner Henry Kissinger famously and clearly laid out the entire Tri
  • Japanese Researchers: Urgent Action Needed To Address Mass Contamination Of Blood Supply

    Japanese Researchers: Urgent Action Needed To Address Mass Contamination Of Blood Supply
    When I had triple-pass heart surgery on April 4, 2023, the surgeons found it necessary to give me a unit of whole blood. Since about 70 percent of donors were vaccinated by that time, the blood supply was thoroughly contaminated. When I suffered a massive stroke on August 9, just four months later, they could not explain what happened. Now, a possible explanation has surfaced.
    By God’s grace, I am almost fully (95+%) recovered today!
    Since then, my cardiologists have still failed to find a

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