• Labour shortage: will austerity continue?

    Labour shortage: will austerity continue?
    EditorialIt was great to see the public response to the idiotic attack on Spellow Lane Library last well but, as Frank Cottrell-Boyce points out, another kind of vandalism has occurred in British libraries on a far larger scale. Due to the general hopelessness of official statistics on library closures, the exact figure since 2010 is hard to say but it’s commonly see as 8-900ish. So Spellow Lane, which got such coverage and even a book donation from the Queen, represents about one-tenth of
  • Make sure you’ve had your data protection training

    Make sure you’ve had your data protection training
    UNISON activists need ensure they they’ve completed special training on data protection so as to ensure the union remains within the law.
    At national delegate conference in June, the following rule was passed: “G5.3(6) The stewards shall complete the union’s mandatory data protection training within three months of being elected; and any subsequent annual refresher training”.
    To date, only approximately 45% of UNISON activists have completed this training. If yo
  • UNISON gives evidence to COVID inquiry

    UNISON gives evidence to COVID inquiry
    Sara Gorton, UNISON’s head of health, gave evidence to the third module of the COVID inquiry last week (above).
    The module examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare systems in the four nations of the UK.
    Speaking on behalf of the TUC, Ms Gorton gave evidence about both her UNISON role and her role as co-chair of the NHS staff council and the NHS social partnership forum through the pandemic.
    Her evidence focussed on the relationship between the trade unions and the employe
  • “No easy answers”

    “No easy answers”
    Editorial“No easy answers” is how Chris Bryant, the relevant minister for public libraries, describes his views on the sector in his foreword to Libraries Annual Report 2024. Well, there is Chris, but not one that the current government is apparently willing to consider. This is to restore some of the 50% of total funding that has been taken from the sector since 2010.Faced with an unwillingness by all parties to face the currently politically long-term unfashionable view that you ge
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  • Opinion: Why climate change is so important for UNISON

    Opinion: Why climate change is so important for UNISON
    By UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea
    Today marks the beginning of Green UNISON Week, now an established part of the UNISON calendar and a mark of the importance we give this issue in UNISON.
    And I applaud everyone taking part in the various green activities up and down the country, whether it’s becoming citizen scientists, putting on or attending a local green event, attending a national green workshop or considering taking on the new role of branch environmental officer this week.
  • Bringing the NHS back to full health must begin with a focus on staff

    Bringing the NHS back to full health must begin with a focus on staff
    Commenting on the prime minister’s speech earlier today (Thursday) launching Lord Darzi of Denham’s review into the state of the NHS, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said:
    “The public rightly holds the NHS in high regard, but in many ways this great institution is now out of step with the modern world.
    “The creation of the NHS 76 years ago under a Labour government transformed the health and life chances of ordinary working people.
    “But many years of under
  • Opinion: The chancellor must think again on winter fuel cut

    Opinion: The chancellor must think again on winter fuel cut
    By senior national officer for equalities Josie Irwin
    It’s clear that the Labour government has inherited a mess from the Tories and that tough decisions must be taken to get the economy back on track.
    However, the proposal to withdraw the winter fuel payment from all except those pensioners receiving pension credit is deeply concerning. Older people, who have budgeted for the allowance, have had the rug pulled from under them just as winter approaches.
    UNISON knows that, while there are s
  • Partnership working can help right the wrongs inflicted by Conservative governments

    Partnership working can help right the wrongs inflicted by Conservative governments
    Commenting on the Prime Minister’s speech to the 156th Trades Union Congress in Brighton, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said:
    “This was a serious speech from a serious Prime Minister. It’s reassuring to have grown-ups in charge of the country once again after years of Tory chaos.
    “Unions look forward to partnering with ministers and employers to right the many wrongs inflicted by a succession of Conservative governments.
    “It won’t all be plain sail
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  • UNISON joins campaign to move away from fossil fuels

    UNISON joins campaign to move away from fossil fuels
    Following an extensive motion on the climate emergency passed at this year’s national delegate conference, UNISON has now joined the campaign for a new international treaty to speed up the move away from fossil fuels.
    The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty would also ensure no further expansion of oil and gas sites and guarantee the costs of the transition to renewable energy don’t fall on those least able to pay.
    The campaign behind the treaty says that, to keep global warming be
  • How long will libraries Labour under austerity?

    How long will libraries Labour under austerity?
    EditorialWell, another big week for public libraries being in the news. This was pushed mainly by a BBC report on comparing each English library service now with its service in 2016 which discovered, unsurprisingly, a – shall we say? – downward trend in numbers open, staffing and opening hours. While there is no question that this generally reflects reality, a look at the data suggests that there are specific errors with the data (my service is down as closing three libraries since 2
  • Funding shortfall of £4bn leaves councils on a precipice

    Funding shortfall of £4bn leaves councils on a precipice
    Councils across England, Scotland and Wales have a collective hole in their finances amounting to more than £4bn for the coming financial year, way beyond any previous estimates, says UNISON research published today (Monday).
    New figures, based on information from local authorities, show council funding is in a dire state with massive cuts likely to essential services and jobs, says the union.
    The report, Councils on the Brink, warns that failure to rectify the growing problem soon risks &
  • Only fairer wages and a national care service can solve the growing crisis in social care

    Only fairer wages and a national care service can solve the growing crisis in social care
    The recruitment crisis in social care won’t be resolved until wages rise in the sector, and achieving this with the government’s promised fair pay agreement will be the first step towards a much-needed national care service in England, says UNISON today (Sunday).
    The union’s standing up for care workers motion is the first debate of the four-day Trades Union Congress (TUC), which opens in Brighton later this afternoon. UNISON’s proposal also calls for a credible
  • Conference highlights impact of COVID on Black health workers

    Conference highlights impact of COVID on Black health workers
    UNISON and the TUC held a joint conference yesterday evening to explore the experience of Black health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Held at Doughty Street Chambers – a barristers’ chambers particularly known for its work on human rights and civil liberties – the aim of the event was to discuss the current UK-wide public inquiry into the pandemic and to ensure that the experience of Black workers in the healthcare sector is heard and acted upon.
    Surveys and research hav
  • Action on Grenfell recommendations needed immediately

    Action on Grenfell recommendations needed immediately
    Commenting on the report of the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire published today (Wednesday), UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said:
    “No words can ever fully capture the horror of that night and the years of pain for everyone touched by the tragedy.
    “This report, and the harrowing testimony it contains, makes for excruciating reading. It shows the awful cost of slashing public services and cutting corners.
    “Lessons need to be learned immediately and that means remo
  • Local government employers must improve pay offer to avoid strike threat

    Local government employers must improve pay offer to avoid strike threat
    More than 360,000 council and school support staff across England and Wales will begin voting today (Wednesday) on whether to take strike action over pay, says UNISON.
    The 2024/25 flat rate pay offer of £1,290 from local government employers falls short of what council employees need and has also been superseded by the deals achieved by some other public sector workers, says the union.
    This year’s pay deal was due from April, but the disappoint
  • Colchester Hospital support staff vow to keep striking against outsourcing

    Colchester Hospital support staff vow to keep striking against outsourcing
    Health members on the Colchester picket, 19 August. Image: James Rodie
    Hundreds of cleaners, porters, housekeepers and other Colchester Hospital support staff are to continue their strike action this month, in what has become a tense battle to keep their jobs within the NHS.
    The UNISON members first staged a week-long strike between 19-23 August. The action also hit several community sites run by East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT), whose  senior managers are planning
  • Overdue, presumed lost, despite reminders

    Overdue, presumed lost, despite reminders
    EditorialThere are clearer and clearer signs that the new Labour government is not going to provide extra funding to, well, pretty much anyone. This is includes local government and, apparently, public libraries too. The new minister – I couldn’t remember his name as he’s not turned up in any article about the sector but apparently it’s Chris Bryant – who includes public libraries amongst his large portfolio, does not appear to be all that bothered and even his boss
  • Council and school staff industrial action ballot opens

    Council and school staff industrial action ballot opens
    UNISON’s industrial action (IA) ballot for council and school staff over the 2024 pay offer opens today, Wednesday 4 September.
    The union’s sector (NJC) committee is recommending that members vote ‘Yes’ for strike action and are urging them to return their ballots as soon as possible.
    Members who are eligible to vote should receive a purple envelope (see below) in the post over the coming weeks. It will contain your ballot papers and a free-post envelope to return your vo
  • UNISON enters into recognition agreement with EDF Renewables

    UNISON enters into recognition agreement with EDF Renewables
    UNISON, together with Unite, Prospect and GMB, has entered into a recognition agreement with renewables energy developer EDF Renewables UK and Ireland.
    The agreement will cover the company’s 633 staff, who work in five offices, eight service centres and 44 renewable energy sites across England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
    The new agreement commits the trace unions and the company to work collaboratively to develop and grow the business and to provide high-quality jobs and a positive empl
  • Public libraries in the public eye

    Public libraries in the public eye
    There were two big national news stories concerning libraries this week. The one is the number of requests to school libraries to withdraw books, with many ending up being removed. This is strongly reminiscent of what is happening in US public libraries, although on a far smaller and less organised scale. The big difference is that a major political party here isn’t supporting such censorship, although I suspect Mr Farage wouldn’t be against and also parts of the Conservative Party.
  • UNISON votes to renew political fund

    UNISON votes to renew political fund
    UNISON members in England, Scotland and Wales have voted overwhelmingly to retain the union’s political fund, which enables UNISON to take part in political activity.
    Of the 187,598 members who participated, 96.7% voted to keep the political fund.
    UNISON’s political fund has two sections: Labour Link and the campaign fund.
    Labour Link takes the union’s campaign objectives into the Labour party and supports members to become MPs and councillors.
    The campaign fund provides a
  • Sussex Police signs up to UNISON’s Anti-Racism Charter

    Sussex Police signs up to UNISON’s Anti-Racism Charter
    Sussex Police has signed up to an anti-racism charter promoted by UNISON, becoming the first public sector employer in the South East to do so.
    The charter promises to tackle racism in its workplace and promote a diverse workforce.
    Ben Priestley, UNISON national officer for police, probation and Cafcass, said: “It’s great news that Sussex Police has signed up to UNISON’s Anti-Racism Charter. Congratulations to our Sussex Police branch and the force for achieving this.
  • Lancashire County Council – Social Care Support Worker Strikes

    Lancashire County Council – Social Care Support Worker Strikes
    The Chair of the Social Work Forum has sent a message of support to staff in social work teams across Lancashire who are taking a second round of strike action over salary grades and working cover. It reads:
    As Chair of UNISON’s National Social Work Forum, on behalf of the Forum, I am writing to offer you a strong message of solidarity for the action you are taking and to send you our best wishes.
    No one wants to go on strike, but Lancashire County Council’s obstinate refusal to
  • UNISON urges branches to speak to employers about Mpox

    UNISON urges branches to speak to employers about Mpox
    UNISON activists are being urged to start discussions with employers to make sure that actions put in place following an Mpox outbreak in 2022 remain in place to protect staff and the public.
    Mpox is caused by a virus in the same family of viruses as smallpox, although it is much less severe. It is a rare infection.
    UNISON has produced a guide for branches so that they can discuss Mpox with employers to ensure that appropriate support in terms of guidance for staff, appropriate PPE pro
  • Working together will be a change for the better

    Working together will be a change for the better
    Commenting on the making work pay meeting with Angela Rayner and Jonathan Reynolds today (Wednesday) aimed at boosting the economy and strengthening workers’ rights, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said:
    “Britain’s problems are best solved when governments, unions and businesses work together. Lifting standards and making work pay will drive the economic growth to deliver proper investment in essential services.
    “The fair pay agreement promised in care wi
  • TUC COVID-19 survey – please add your experiences

    TUC COVID-19 survey – please add your experiences
    The COVID-19 public inquiry reconvenes at the start of September.  Public hearings will examine the effect of the pandemic on the NHS – and how the NHS responded.
    UNISON will be giving evidence on behalf of the TUC. Please feed in your experiences using the questionnaire link below.
    This will help UNISON and the TUC to use real and lived experience when giving evidence. Information provided can all be treated confidentially. The survey only takes six minutes.
    Thanks in advance for you
  • 239,000 reasons to hope

    239,000 reasons to hope
    EditorialThe library week was dominated by first the horror at the setting ablaze of Spellow Lane Library during the far-right/racist/opportunist riots and then by the hope caused by a huge local, national and international response to a fundraiser for it. Famous authors and celebrities donated large amounts of money (the largest being £5,000 from author Matt Haig) as did loads of library lovers and locals. The result was that, as of now, £239,000 has been raised compared to the init
  • In pictures: UNISON joins the anti-racist counter-demonstrations

    In pictures: UNISON joins the anti-racist counter-demonstrations
    UNISON members join hundreds at a counter-demonstration in Bristol
    Last night, UNISON members from across the UK took to the streets to counter the 100+ far-right rallies planned at immigration centres, lawyers’ offices and charities.
    Most of the counter demonstrations were organised by Stand Up To Racism.
    At every site across the UK, anti-racists outnumbered the far-right.
    Fantastic trade union support at the @irishcongress anti-racism rally outside the Parliament Buildings at Sto
  • Government scraps anti-strike laws on ‘minimum service levels’

    Government scraps anti-strike laws on ‘minimum service levels’
    The government has announced it will repeal anti-strike laws that mandate ‘minimum service levels’ during industrial action.
    The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act was passed in July 2023 by the former Conservative government. It gave employers in ambulance, fire and rescue and border services new powers to force people to work on strike days by issuing controversial ‘work notices’.
    Since its introduction, UNISON has criticised the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act f
  • Record water fines expose the stench of scandalous sewage failures, says UNISON

    Record water fines expose the stench of scandalous sewage failures, says UNISON
    Record fines levied on three water companies don’t go far enough and more investment is needed to stop sewage spills and tackle corporate greed, says UNISON today (Tuesday).
    Responding to the announcement that industry regulator Ofwat is proposing to punish three privatised water firms with a record combined fine of £168m for their failure to invest and for illegal pollution releases, UNISON head of environment Donna Rowe-Merriman said:
    “Ofwat has finally woken up, but the

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