• What to expect during Ragan’s Communications Week

    What to expect during Ragan’s Communications Week
    Ragan’s Communications Week runs Nov. 12-15.Running Nov. 12-15, #CommsWeek is the can’t-miss series of in-person and virtual events this fall, a series designed to amplify, celebrate and accelerate the role of the communicator through education, inspiration, mentorship, technology showcases, networking opportunities and more.
    Keep your eyes on this space for a continually updated list of all the week’s happenings.
    Central to the week is our Future of Communications Conference,
  • Comms strategies for navigating high-profile legal challenges

    Comms strategies for navigating high-profile legal challenges
    Transparency is key.
    Many of the world’s largest technology and social media companies face legal or regulatory challenges that threaten to turn those industries on their head.
    Google faces the possibility of being broken up. Meanwhile, the European Union charged Apple, Meta and other companies for failing to comply with its Digital Markets Act that aims to rein in the power of big tech companies. The China-based owners of TikTok are fighting to remain operational in the United States.
  • How to present data-backed insights to leadership

    How to present data-backed insights to leadership
    The key is focusing on relevant metrics and crafting a story that drives action.
    Good data can tell a great story. It can help internal communicators identify problems, spot opportunities and shape strategies that boost their ability to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.
    Presenting these insights to the leadership team in a persuasive way that leads to action, however, is another story. It’s tempting, for example, to assume more statistics make for a stronger

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